AREWA YOUTH ASSEMBLY OF NIGERIA CONFERS AWARD OF EXCELLENCE ON HON. CHRISTOPHER M. WALLAT 23rd February, 2024 The Arewa Youth Assembly of Nigeria (AYAN), a prominent youth group in Northern Nigeria, bestows the prestigious title "MIA BAIWA MATASAN AREWA" upon *Hon. Christopher M. Wallat,* the Transition Implementation Committee Chairman of Quaanpan Local Government Area. This distinguished recognition is an acknowledgment of Wallat's outstanding contribution towards youth and student empowerment. The " *Youth Platinum Leadership Award of Excellence* " presented to Hon. Wallat is a testament to his remarkable achievements and positive impact on the lives of the citizenry, particularly in the realm of youth and student empowerment. Speaking on behalf of the Youth Assembly, *Comr. Dacholom Davou* expressed their admiration for Hon. Wallat's exceptional leadership, terming him a "solution to the puzzle called leadership distinction." He fur...