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Epilogue: WANI YARO –
 We Are the Boys of Kuru

The boys of Kuru have grown, each one forged in the crucible of discipline, perseverance, and camaraderie. The walls of Government Science School Kuru may no longer surround us physically, but they stand tall in our memories, an unshakable fortress of values that shaped who we are today. Waking up in the early hours, completing chores with precision, standing for inspection, and maintaining the strict routines of the school once seemed like mere daily rituals. But now, they reveal themselves as the building blocks of our resilience, molding us into the men we have become.

Kuru was more than just a school. It was a proving ground—a place where boys from different walks of life learned the true meaning of hard work, respect, and unity. The fellowship we built transcended religious affiliations, with Christians, Muslims, and freelancers all sharing in the experience of General Work Wednesdays, competing on the sports fields, and striving together in the laboratories and classrooms. It was in this melting pot of ideas, faiths, and aspirations that we learned to respect differences and find strength in unity.

Many of us took different paths after leaving Kuru. Some became doctors, architects, pharmacists, builders, politicians, musicians, and military officers. But no matter where life has taken us, the essence of Kuru remains embedded in our spirit. The school anthem, once a daily chant, now echoes in our hearts, reminding us that we are bound by a common heritage of fortitude and discipline. We may have left Kuru, but Kuru has not left us.

The Kuru Old Students Association stands as a testament to the bonds we forged during those formative years. Decades have passed, but the brotherhood endures. We still gather, reminisce, and support one another as we navigate the challenges of life, just as we did when we were young boys sweeping the hostels and queuing for meals. The association serves as a beacon of the values we hold dear—hard work, loyalty, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

As we reflect on our journey, we honor the legacy of Late Papa Lewis, whose school anthem captured the very essence of Kuru. The song may have been simple, but its words carried a profound truth—*we are the boys of Kuru*. The anthem not only united us in song but in purpose, reminding us of the unbreakable bond we share as sons of Kuru. Now, as we face the trials and triumphs of adulthood, we draw strength from those early days, knowing that we are equipped to face any challenge.

Kuru shaped us into men—real men. And though time has moved on, and we have spread across the corners of the world, we carry with us the lessons, the memories, and the unyielding spirit of Kuru. We rise each day, just as we did back then, ready to meet the challenges ahead, with the guiding star of Kuru ever bright in our minds.

For we are, and always will be, the boys of Kuru.

So help us God, we pray.

Here is the full anthem 

And we have gone from Kuru(for time will not stay

we're here but a day)

tis we'll be glad that Kuru

Has help us on our way.

For when;in distance places for,

Troubles press, temptations lure

We'll always have this guiding star, for

Then we'll remember Kuru.

For we're the sons of Kuru

We'll strive and we'll stay as

will as we may

For we are the sons of Kuru,

So help us God, We pray.

Deputy senior prefect 2002


  1. Sumdi Samuel KOSA 2007September 7, 2024 at 6:29 PM

    Thank you Sir,

    You have said it all

  2. Incredible and laudable piece about our beloved KURU! We Are The Boys of Kuru. KOSA 1980

  3. Nostalgic memories evoked going through these fine lines. Times roll by yet the experiential rub off never fade.

  4. So true about Kuru.
    What a place to be.
    The experience is ever there .
    Great write up Charles.


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