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Dear Esteemed Elders, Leaders and Members of the Pan Development Association(PDA) and Pan Youth Association (PYA),
I write to you today with a heavy heart and a profound sense of responsibility on behalf of the concerned members of our two constituencies, Qua'an Pan North and South, who have been facing significant challenges due to ongoing neglect by the Plateau State House of Assembly. It is with deep concern that I bring these issues to your attention, seeking your intervention and collective effort to address the situation that has been adversely affecting our community.


For far too long, our constituencies have been overlooked in matters of legislative representation and resource allocation. Despite our unwavering loyalty and contribution to the state’s progress, we find ourselves marginalized and excluded from the benefits and opportunities that should be our collective right. This neglect has manifested in several critical areas:

1. *Inadequate Infrastructure Development:*
   - Our roads remain in deplorable conditions, making transportation difficult and hindering economic activities. The lack of basic infrastructure such as clean water, electricity, and healthcare facilities has made life unbearable for our communities.


Schools in our constituencies are severely underfunded and understaffed. Our children are being deprived of quality education, which is crucial for their future and the development of our community. The recent gesture of the 6 Class Room Block foundation laying ceremony at Pan Community Secondary School Doemak, while commendable, is a stark reminder of how much more needs to be done and we appreciate our Father, Leader Hon. John M Dafaan for the kind gesture.


Our constituencies have not benefited from any significant economic development initiatives or programs from the state government. The absence of support for local businesses, agriculture, and job creation has left many of our youth unemployed and vulnerable.


The voices of our constituencies have been consistently muted in the Plateau State House of Assembly. Our needs and concerns are not being adequately represented, and as a result, we are not receiving the attention and resources we deserve.


The silence of our elders on this issue is particularly alarming. For generations, our elders have been the guardians of our traditions, values, and interests. Their wisdom and leadership have guided us through challenging times, but today, their silence in the face of this neglect is a source of great distress. It raises several critical questions:


Given the gravity of the situation, I, a concerned member of these constituencies, humbly request the PDA and PYA to take immediate action on the following:


The PDA and PYA must rally together to demand that our representatives in the House of Assembly receive the same support and resources as others. Other House members are sharing Fertilizers to their people in their respective communities , why can't the elders and Youths come with one strong voice so that we can have equal opportunities, does that mean we don't have farmers or people who don't want it?


Our elders, youths, and all community members must come together as one strong voice. A united front will send a clear message to the Plateau State House of Assembly that we will not tolerate being marginalized. The PDA and PYA should organize meetings, rallies, and discussions to mobilize our people and ensure that our demands are heard.


I urge the PDA and PYA to engage directly with the State government and Plateau State House of Assembly, ensuring that our constituencies are no longer ignored. This includes lobbying for infrastructure projects, educational funding, and economic development initiatives that will benefit our community.


I believe it is crucial to raise awareness about the issues affecting our constituencies. The PDA and PYA should organize public forums, town hall meetings, and media campaigns to bring these matters to the forefront of public discourse.


The PDA and PYA should seek partnerships with non-governmental organizations, development agencies, and private sector stakeholders to attract investment and development projects to our constituencies.


It is essential for the PDA and PYA to foster unity and solidarity among our people. A divided community will only further weaken our ability to demand and secure our rightful place in the state’s development agenda.


The neglect of our constituencies by the Plateau State House of Assembly is not just a political issue; it is a matter of justice, equity, and the well-being of our people. We trust that the Pan Development Association and Pan Youth Association, with their rich history of advocacy and leadership, will rise to this challenge and work tirelessly to rectify this situation.

We remain hopeful as a community that through your leadership, our constituencies will soon see a change in their fortunes, and that the Plateau State House of Assembly will take the necessary steps to address our long-standing concerns.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your swift and decisive action.

Yours sincerely,



  1. Honestly our constituencies are suffering. For now, no single reason to convince us as to why our members are not in the chamber. Mr. Speaker should do something

  2. Our leaders needs to do their job... This is a Clarion call.


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