Introducing Dimbo Atiya, a distinguished Nigerian filmmaker who has recently concluded principal photography on his latest endeavor, the poignant faith-based film *Strong*. Atiya, who has previously captivated viewers with his work on the Netflix and EbonyLife hit drama series *Wrath and Revenge (WAR)*, continues to make significant strides in the film industry.
His career, which began almost 16 years ago, took a pivotal turn after meeting the renowned director Steve Gukas, though he had earlier been subconsciously influenced by the late Matt Dadzie, famed for the series *Behind the Clouds*. Today, Atiya is celebrated as one of Nollywood’s most successful producers and directors.
His impressive body of work includes critically acclaimed titles such as *Halita*, *The Rishantes*, *Sons of the Caliphate*, *Drawing Strength*, and *Still Falling*. These projects have not only had a profound impact on Nollywood but have also played a crucial role in introducing Nigerian narratives to audiences around the globe.
Currently, Atiya is focused on creating authentic faith-based films and comprehensive TV dramas that aim to restore family viewing during prime time slots. In this creative journey, he is joined by his wife, Karachi, a brilliant writer and creator in her own right. Together, they continue to weave stories that resonate with viewers both in Nigeria and across the world, celebrating the rich tapestry of Nigerian culture and its universal themes.
#NollyNow 📸- @photogirlnaija
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