In a perplexing turn of events, several Nigerians who were granted amnesty by Ethiopian authorities have once again found themselves entangled in drug-related offenses, raising questions about the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts.
The initial amnesty was granted after intervention by the Nigerian mission in Addis Ababa, which successfully secured the release of these individuals from prison. However, despite this second chance, virtually all of them have returned to Ethiopia and committed the same offense - drug-related crimes.
The veracity of this claim cannot be verified at this point, but the Nigerian mission in Ethiopia has taken note and is actively looking into the situation. It is indeed concerning that despite the diplomatic efforts to secure their release and rehabilitation, these individuals have reverted to their previous criminal activities.
Furthermore, it has come to light that a significant number of Nigerians serving sentences in Ethiopian prisons are there for drug-related offenses. This poses a broader challenge as Ethiopia had previously granted them amnesty, only for them to reoffend and be arrested once more for the same crimes.
In light of these recurring issues, the Nigerian mission in Addis Ababa is diligently working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a prisoner transfer agreement. This agreement aims to address the issue of recidivism and facilitate the repatriation of Nigerian citizens imprisoned in Ethiopia, with the hope of breaking the cycle of drug offenses and contributing to their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
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