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Addressing the Potential Food Crisis on the Plateau

Addressing the Potential Food Crisis on the Plateau


The recent killings in Mangu and its surrounding areas have created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty in Plateau State. Mangu, known as one of the largest food producers in the region, plays a crucial role in sustaining the food supply on the plateau. The unfortunate events have the potential to disrupt food production and subsequently lead to a food crisis. This situation calls for immediate attention from both the government and the local community to boost food production and mitigate the potential crisis.

Impact on Food Production:

Mangu's significance in the food production sector cannot be overstated. The region's fertile lands, favorable climate, and skilled farmers contribute significantly to the agricultural output of Plateau State. However, the recent killings have shaken the community, resulting in fear and instability. Farmers may be reluctant to tend to their fields, leading to decreased crop cultivation and livestock rearing activities. Consequently, this can disrupt the supply chain and lead to a decline in food production.

Call to Action:

In times of crisis, it is essential for all stakeholders to come together and take proactive measures to address the potential food crisis on the plateau. The following steps should be considered:

1. Security Measures: Strengthening security in the affected areas should be the top priority. The government should deploy additional security personnel to restore law and order, instill confidence among the farmers, and create a safe environment for them to resume their agricultural activities.

2. Farmer Support Programs: The government and non-governmental organizations should introduce farmer support programs aimed at providing financial aid, agricultural inputs, and technical assistance to farmers in Mangu and neighboring regions. These programs can help boost production and provide a sense of stability to the farming community.

3. Community Mobilization: Local communities, leaders, and organizations should collaborate to encourage farmers to continue their agricultural activities despite the challenges. Through community mobilization efforts, awareness campaigns, and support networks, the morale of the farmers can be uplifted, ensuring sustained food production.

4. Diversification of Agriculture: To minimize the risk of a single event significantly impacting food production, it is crucial to encourage diversification in agriculture. Farmers should be supported in exploring alternative crops and livestock that are suitable for the region. This diversification can enhance resilience against potential crises and create a more sustainable food system.

5. Infrastructure Development: Investing in rural infrastructure, such as irrigation systems, storage facilities, and transportation networks, is essential for improving agricultural productivity and reducing post-harvest losses. Upgrading infrastructure will not only benefit the farmers directly but also attract investors to the region, boosting overall economic development.


The potential food crisis looming over the Plateau due to the recent killings in Mangu and its environs requires urgent attention. It is crucial for the government, local communities, and other stakeholders to work together to address the situation effectively. By implementing security measures, providing support programs, mobilizing communities, promoting diversification, and investing in infrastructure, the region can mitigate the potential crisis and ensure sustained food production on the Plateau. It is through collective efforts that the Plateau State can overcome this challenging period and regain its position as a reliable food producer.


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