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Why Plateau State Govt Should Redirect Funds from Pilgrimage to Establish Tech Hubs - Charles David Lapmoen

Title: Rationalizing the Decision: Why Plateau State Government Should Redirect Funds from Pilgrimage to Israel to Establish Tech Hubs


Barr Caleb Mutfwang as the new governor of Plateau State has brought about renewed hopes and expectations for progress and development. One of the key areas that require careful consideration is the allocation of funds. It is imperative for the new governor to critically evaluate the existing policies, especially the allocation of funds for religious pilgrimages, and explore alternative avenues that can benefit the state and its taxpayers. This article argues that instead of spending a staggering 1.7 billion Naira on pilgrimage to Israel, the Plateau State government should direct these funds towards building ten tech hubs at a more economical cost of 170 million Naira each. Such a redirection would yield significant benefits for the state and its residents.

1. A Shift in Priorities:

While religious pilgrimages hold immense cultural and spiritual value for many individuals, it is essential to question whether allocating a substantial amount of taxpayers' money to fund such endeavors is the most prudent use of public funds. In a time where technology is reshaping economies and transforming societies, investing in tech hubs would be a forward-thinking move that can drive innovation, economic growth, and job creation in Plateau State.

2. Fostering Technological Advancement:

Establishing tech hubs would provide a nurturing environment for local entrepreneurs, tech enthusiasts, and startups to thrive. By offering access to state-of-the-art facilities, mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and funding resources, these hubs can become catalysts for groundbreaking technological advancements within the state. Such developments would not only enhance Plateau State's reputation as a hub of innovation but also attract investors, thereby stimulating economic growth.

3. Job Creation and Youth Empowerment:

By investing in tech hubs, the government can address the issue of unemployment, particularly among the youth. These hubs would serve as incubators for tech startups, providing them with the necessary resources to succeed. As these startups grow, they would generate employment opportunities, allowing talented young individuals to contribute to the state's economic development. Redirecting funds from pilgrimage to technology would prioritize the long-term prosperity of Plateau State and its citizens.

4. Encouraging Local Talent Retention:

Often, the brightest minds from Plateau State are compelled to seek opportunities elsewhere due to the lack of a conducive ecosystem for technological development. By establishing tech hubs, the government can create an environment that retains local talent and encourages them to apply their skills and knowledge within the state. This brain gain would lead to a knowledge-driven economy, keeping Plateau State at the forefront of innovation.

5. Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency:

Redirecting funds from pilgrimage to technology hubs demonstrates a commitment to fiscal responsibility and transparency. The government would be utilizing taxpayers' money in a manner that directly benefits the state's development. By investing in infrastructure and human capital, the new governor would show a deep understanding of the needs of the people and their aspirations for progress.


As the new governor of Plateau State, Barr Caleb Mutfwang has a unique opportunity to think deeply and act decisively in the best interest of the state and its taxpayers. By redirecting the substantial sum of 1.7 billion Naira allocated for pilgrimage to Israel towards building ten tech hubs, the government can lay the foundation for sustainable development, innovation, and economic growth. This redirection of funds would not only address the immediate needs of the state but also ensure a brighter future for its residents.

We will be glad to provide support in anyway. 

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