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On this 7th of June 2023, the University of Calabar theater scene witnessed an extraordinary event that brought the world to a standstill. It was a momentous occasion as the university became the first to carry out a theatrical procession under the pouring rain. The weather, instead of dampening spirits, added an ethereal touch to the entire affair.

The participants, known as the inductees, experienced a mixture of glory, pain, and sweat as they embarked on a journey comprising four significant activities. The first was the orientation, where they were familiarized with the intricacies of the theater and prepared mentally for the upcoming challenges. This was followed by the procession, where they marched in unison, showcasing their dedication and commitment to their craft.

The induction ceremony was the pinnacle of the event, symbolizing the official entry of the inductees into the world of theater. It was a moment filled with anticipation and excitement, as the audience watched in awe, recognizing the hard work and dedication put forth by these aspiring artists. Finally, there was the epiphany, a profound realization or understanding that occurred during the course of the theatrical production.

The traveling theater troupe caught the attention of numerous eyewitnesses at the University of Calabar, leaving them astounded. Many of them claimed to have never witnessed such a grand and awe-inspiring induction ceremony. As discussions arose around the event, debates emerged regarding the nature of the thematic expressions presented by the thespians. Some questioned whether these expressions were occultic in nature or simply a manifestation of arts and creativity.

"The Epiphania," produced by Ugben Edward and led by the exco, was the crowning achievement of the event. Under the masterful direction of John Tanko, the performance unfolded, captivating the audience with its mesmerizing storyline and exceptional execution. The production was a testament to the artistic talent and dedication of the University of Calabar theater community.
As the rain continued to pour, drenching the performers and the audience alike, the atmosphere became charged with a sense of enchantment. The combination of the elements, the theatrical prowess, and the palpable passion of the participants created a truly magical experience that will be remembered for years to come.

In the end, whether the thematic expressions presented in "The Epiphania" were deemed occultic or artistic was a matter of personal interpretation. Nevertheless, it was undeniable that the University of Calabar theater had achieved something extraordinary on this day. The successful theatrical procession under the rain and the exceptional production showcased the power of creativity, determination, and the ability to push boundaries in the world of performing arts.

David John Tanko 


  1. Biggest induction in Africa is a huge success

  2. The biggest induction in Africa from the University of Calabar

  3. Omorrrr... As much as it's in unison and looks great. I know I would have gone home to have a night mare .... Not cause they look bad, but because they look that good in showcasing their dedication and commitment to their witch craft.

  4. We settle not for less✌️

  5. Best ever recorded in Africa

  6. The one and only biggest Induction in Africa
    University of Calabar Theatre 🎭 is the standard 💯

  7. Under the sun or in the rain, the show must go on...
    God bless the department of theatre and media studies... 🥰🥰🥰

  8. They won’t forget this in a hurry

  9. I must confess, this is the best induction i have witnessed 💥💥

  10. Can anything Good come out of Nazareth?

    That was the question until the production took place..

    Nevertheless, everything was a success.

    I'm grateful I was present To witness it.


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