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In our personal and professional lives, we are constantly hit with one adversity after the other, most of which we have no control over. But the four things we have total control over is how we react, how we adapt, how we breathe, and how we take action.

The idea in most of our youths coming to the social media to insult our State Governor and other Elders of the state  on this successor thing ,is very very unhealthy.

My fellow seafarers ,if you are in that league , please change your course.

Choosing A Successor , is none of your business.
And whoever might be  , is not your concern either.
As a professional, your business and concerns should be the ACTUALISATION of Ibom deep seaport and as the case may be. 

Yes !
This is democracy and we have freedom of speech but we are misusing these previlages.
You are calling  someone who supposed to be your father,  ALBINO , and you feel so comfortable with it.

Please let us not wash our dirty linen outside.

How many Yoruba or Hausa or even Ibo youths do you see on the social media , insulting their Elders ?

I can feel your pains that your preferred candidate was not favoured. But its only one Governor at a time.
Please do not carry your hands to create more and new enemies on the social media.
Stop fighting a battle that you can not win.
And let the Aspirants that you are fighting for,use their wives, children, relatives etc etc because they are the ones that benefit .

The truth of the matter is that none of those your aspirants that you are flagging now, is better than the one our Governor has choosen to succeed him. And if the Governor has chosen any of those your aspirants, they would have been the best .

Governship is more than going to weddings , funerals etc etc to throw money.

For all these years they have been spraying money what tangible thing have you achieved?

My gentlemen  merchant officers, please let us change our course. 

Actualisation of the Ibom deep seaport should be our major concern.
And for this to come to pass, one of us must be an SSA to the Governor on maritime affairs of our state because we are seafarers , it's our own field.

Most people that are surrounding our dear Governor in the Ibom deep seaport project are not specialised and hence ; they cannot actualised the said objectives .

There is hope !!!
Below are specialised and registered maritime groups which are:




Etc Etc.

In the light of this;
We humbly call on our Amiable Governor , Udom Emmanuel , and all the elder state men , to send emissaries to these maritime groups and remove one person to be the SSA to the Governor on maritime affairs. 

Actualisation of Ibom deep seaport shall be beneficial to everyone irrespective of any Political party, tribe etc . etc.

We also call on who ever the successor is ; to prove all critics wrong by identifying with each of the groups .

Thank you.

George EE ( aka Alanta)


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