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Increase in cost of Bride Prize: Could it be the reason for the many Single Ladies? Click to make your opinion

Marriage is defined as a legal union between a man and a woman joined together as husband and wife. 
While bride price is a sum of money or other valuables paid by a bridegroom or on his behalf to the family of the bride, in some cultures especially parts of Africa.

But as important as marriage is, many young people nowadays in the African realm are beginning to change their mind towards it. 

Every weekend there used to be endless kinds of weddings/marriage ceremonies ranging from the Christian, Moslem and traditional sides, but there is a growing apathy and general reluctance towards it now especially from the masculine angle who usually shoulder the financial responsibility of marriage expenditures. This is unhealthy for the next generation.

1. Growing rate of Poverty:
With every Government usually putting strides towards poverty eradication in Nigeria, the resultant is not reflecting the intention.
The number of poor people is increasing with every day passing. Even the supposed average/middle class is now on the poverty level, living from hand to mouth with zero budget.
2. Rising Cost of Bride Prize:
This is the major challenge that seem to pose the greatest threat. As people are getting poorer day by day, the cost of getting married is just on a steady upward progression. What an irony?
This factor have made a lot of young men have a rethink towards marriage since you'll be giving out your life savings in the name of Bride price only to come and start life at square one. This needs an urgent review from both traditional and Religious leaders if we're to overcome it.
3. Western Civilization
The rate at which we try to copy lifestyle of the whites have make young people begin to feel they don't need to marry before they're considered responsible.

1. Prostitution
2. Lack of responsibility
3. Delay in procreation process
4. Increase in number of unmarried girls

Make your comments and suggestions in the comment section. 


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