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Liver and Kidney diseases/failure are so deadly and has killed millions of people including Muna Obiekwe a Nigerian actor in 2015, Pastor Ajidara and Prince James Uche.

"You are what you eat" goes a popular saying. So food consumption can either have a positive or adverse impact on human health. 

Below is a list of foods one should consume much for the benefit of liver and kidney:

A lot of people in Nigeria seldom eat almonds. Some people ignorantly say that it's deep sweetness is as a result of too much sugar content but it will interest you to know that Almonds are loaded with antioxidants high in Vitamin E which can really assist blood sugar control. 
These antioxidants also control oxidative stress which is a major contributor to kidney and liver inflammation; therefore consuming a good amount of almonds will reduce the risk of kidney and liver failure.

We can understand that no system in us can function well without water if a day goes by without drinking. Actually, every body system from the brain to kidney needs water to function.
Water flushes the liver and is required by the kidney to secrete urine.

Actually, salt consumption is of good benefit to digestion as it activates the salivary and digestive enzymes that ensures proper digestion of food.
With proper digestion of food, the health of the liver and Kidney will actually be preserved well. 
Recommended intake of salt stands at less than 2,300 mg per day—that's equal to about 1 teaspoon of table salt!

Grains are highly concentrated with fiber and are helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other internal health problem such as kidney & liver inflammation.

Spinach contains vitamin E plus magnesium that supports the immune system which keeps the body safe from viruses and bacteriums. Spinach have varieties as shown below.
Since a good intake of spinach can help strengthen the immune system, the liver and kidney are also safe from disease and inflammation.



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