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Epilogue: WANI YARO –  We Are the Boys of Kuru The boys of Kuru have grown, each one forged in the crucible of discipline, perseverance, and camaraderie. The walls of Government Science School Kuru may no longer surround us physically, but they stand tall in our memories, an unshakable fortress of values that shaped who we are today. Waking up in the early hours, completing chores with precision, standing for inspection, and maintaining the strict routines of the school once seemed like mere daily rituals. But now, they reveal themselves as the building blocks of our resilience, molding us into the men we have become. Kuru was more than just a school. It was a proving ground—a place where boys from different walks of life learned the true meaning of hard work, respect, and unity. The fellowship we built transcended religious affiliations, with Christians, Muslims, and freelancers all sharing in the experience of General Work Wednesdays, competing on the sports fields, and s
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The Village Digital Boy from KOPMANTUNG

The story of *The Village Digital Boy* is one of triumph over adversity, a tale rooted in the humble beginnings of Kopmantung village in Kwallah District, nestled within Quaanpan Local Government of Plateau State. Lapmoen Dayil Datsen Danuwang, born in Jebbu Bassa, couldn't walk for the first two years of his life, clinging to his mother for support. Yet, this early struggle became the foundation of his unyielding determination to rise above challenges. From the moment Lapmoen took his first steps, both literally and figuratively, he pursued his education with relentless focus. Growing up in a modest home, he dreamed of a future beyond the hills of his village, and he soon discovered the transformative power of digital technology. What started as a personal journey of self-improvement blossomed into a vision to uplift his entire community. Today, as an international digital ambassador, Lapmoen is the champion of digital literacy in Kopmantung and beyond. He returns to h

**How Leaders Can Foster Diversity in Nigeria's Maritime Industry** *By Engr. Charles David Tanko* *Batch XXV Marine Engineering* *Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron*

The maritime industry in Nigeria, despite its rich potential, has remained largely homogeneous for too long. Having spent 18 years at sea as a marine engineer and close to a decade running businesses during my vacation periods, I have had a front-row seat to observe the intricacies of our maritime sector. One glaring observation is the lack of diversity within the industry. Diversity is not just about ticking boxes for gender or ethnicity; it's about harnessing the full spectrum of talent, perspectives, and experiences that our society offers. To truly elevate the maritime industry, leaders must prioritize diversity and inclusion at every level, starting with cadet training.   The Foundation: Cadet Training The maritime industry is only as strong as its foundation, which, in this case, is cadet training. Our leaders have unfortunately not given this crucial aspect the attention it deserves. The Maritime Academy of Nigeria in Oron, where I had the privilege of receiving my training,

Meet Daniel Kwallat: A Rising Star in Real Estate Development

Introducing Daniel Kwallat, a senior partner at GAVI Estate and an ambitious real estate developer making waves in the industry. Hailing from Quaanpan Local Government Area in Plateau State, Daniel has quickly established himself as a key player in the world of real estate. His dedication and vision have been instrumental in driving the growth and success of GAVI Estate. GAVI Estate is currently running a fantastic promotion this August, offering unbeatable deals on their properties. Although the August promo is ending soon, there is still time to take advantage of these exceptional offers. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to invest in premium real estate at competitive prices. Contact GAVI Estate today to learn more about their current offers and how you can secure your dream property. With Daniel Kwallat and the GAVI Estate team, you're guaranteed a professional and rewarding real estate experience.


Dear Esteemed Elders, Leaders and Members of the Pan Development Association(PDA) and Pan Youth Association (PYA), I write to you today with a heavy heart and a profound sense of responsibility on behalf of the concerned members of our two constituencies, Qua'an Pan North and South, who have been facing significant challenges due to ongoing neglect by the Plateau State House of Assembly. It is with deep concern that I bring these issues to your attention, seeking your intervention and collective effort to address the situation that has been adversely affecting our community. *THE CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS* For far too long, our constituencies have been overlooked in matters of legislative representation and resource allocation. Despite our unwavering loyalty and contribution to the state’s progress, we find ourselves marginalized and excluded from the benefits and opportunities that should be our collective right. This neglect has manifested in several critical areas: 1.


2024/2025 NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND) POST UTME REGISTRATION EXEThe online registration for Maritime Academy of Nigeria Post-UTME screening exercise for admission into the various National Diploma (ND) programmes for the 2024/2025 academic session  commences on   5th August 2024 and close on 30th  September 2024 . The duration of the Academy’s National Diploma (ND) programmes is two (2) years (four semesters). The following full time ND programmes are on offer: 1.   Nautical Science 2.  Marine Engineering 3.  Electrical/Electronic Engineering 4.  Maritime Transport and Business Studies REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS 1. ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES Candidates who selected Maritime Academy of Nigeria as their First (1st) Choice Institution in the 2024 UTME and scored above the required cut-off mark as stated in (2) below are eligible for post-UTME registration. 2. UTME CUT-OFF MARKS Nautical Science -  170 Marine Engineering - 170 Electrical/Electronic Engineering - 170 Maritime Transport and Bu

MAN Cadet Job Info Arena Extends Condolences to Engr. Ebong Iniobong on the Passing of His Father

The entire members of MAN Cadet Job Info Arena is deeply saddened to announce the passing of Elder Ekominam Moses Ebong, father of one of our esteemed admin, Engr. Ebong Iniobong. Elder Ekominam Moses Ebong was a pillar of strength and wisdom, whose legacy will continue to inspire those who had the privilege of knowing him. His loss is felt profoundly by his family, friends, and all who were touched by his life. On behalf of the admins, officers, and members of MAN Cadet Job Info Arena, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Engr. Ebong Iniobong and his family during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they navigate this profound loss. Elder Ekominam Moses Ebong will be remembered for his remarkable contributions and the lasting impact he made on his community. May his memory be a source of comfort and strength to his loved ones. The MAN Cadet Job Info Arena community stands in solidarity with Engr. Ebong Iniobong and his family, offering our unwavering suppo