Meet Mc Half Kilo, aka Innocent Simon, a seasoned comedian hailing from JOS. Raised in Lagos, he returned to his roots in 2013, dedicating himself entirely to comedy. Inspired by a desire to bring joy, Mc Half Kilo started his comedic journey after witnessing the struggles of those around him, especially his mother's health challenges. Comedy became a means to uplift spirits and spread laughter. Despite the challenges of 2023, Mc Half Kilo found solace in divine inspiration, navigating the hardships with unwavering determination. His annual comedy event, "Echoes of Laughter," promises to surpass previous successes, fueled by the anticipation of a fantastic audience. However, the road to success hasn't been without obstacles. Hindered by equipment limitations and the daily dilemma of choosing between food and data, Mc Half Kilo perseveres, driven by a simple mantra: "Don't Give Up." Consistency remains his hallmark, a testament to the belief that dreams a...